the sapphic printing press
features & news
The Sapphic Printing Press is fortunate to have been featured in showcases and articles, collaborated on projects with other artists, and created merch and campaigns. Scroll below to see the latest features and news of what The Press has been up to!
Canzine 2023
Canzine 2023, debuting the re-design of SAPPHIC. The new issue SAPPHIC, Field Guide to Returning is the sixth issue of SAPPHIC!

'i know my own heart' Nomination
i know my own heart was nominated in the Litzine category for the 2022 Broken Pencil Zine Awards.

TAP creative zine night
The Sapphic Printing Press took part of TAP creative's zine night along with Broke Down Artist, Zine Fiends, and Mazie Lovie Zines. This was The Press' first in person art night.
AGO insider feature
SAPPHIC was featured in the Pride-ful Narratives article in the AGO Insider. The article features the top five must read art books for Pride month in 2021.

small press showcase
The Sapphic Printing Press' first published zine,
Shrugs + Hugs, was included in Open Space Victoria's Small Press Showcase. The showcase featured zine makers from around Canada in a window display set up while selling copies of the featured zines throughout the showcase.

The Sapphic Printing Press collaborated with with artist Ayshe-Mira Yashin (@illustrationwitch on Instagram) to create the Persephone & Pomegranates and Sapphic Woman & Vase sticker designs. The Press also designed the Soft Sapphic Bunny sticker and other logo merch through Redbubble.